Thursday, October 10, 2019

Investing, a science of money making money.

Rich dad Poor dad, a book by Robert Kiyosaki:

I just love the definition of the investing by Mr. Kiyosaki. ( The title above)
He has a way to explain things interesting and simple way, for everyone to understand them right away. I have also read some criticism against the book, but I liked it, and quite a lot!

There is no secret formula and I think some of the critics didn't seem to realise the purpose of the book. It is how you understand the mechanics of the investing, adopt the mentality and way of thinking to become a successful on your way to financial independence. I would recommend the book, if you are not familar to investing and even if you are.
Here' s some of the lines from the book, and there are many more:

"Winners are not afraid to lose, losers are."
"Build assets, not liability."
"Learn to manage risks, rather than avoiding it."
"Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die."
"If money is smarter than you, you would work for it your whole life."

To find out more and learn, I suggest that you read the book or listen the audio one.