Friday, November 8, 2019

Choose wealth.

You choose to be rich. It is your duty to become rich and sin to be poor etc.
There is a lot of sayings about the wealth, money and how to get it.
And most of them are true!

After all, before you can start to invest and become wealthy, you do have to have prosperous mindset. If you win in a lottery and you don't know how money works, you will most likely lose it all in no time.

I've heard an example of the power of the mind explained in a way, where you compare a ship with a crew and a plan and it will almost in every case go as planned finding it´s way to the right harbour compared to the ship without the crew, plan or the rudder.

So you have to have a plan, without a plan, you are like an boat without a rudder, you just end up where ever. The same goes with you and your plans. And by plan, it is not enough to wish more money or wealth, nicer car. Those are what almost every one wish.

Those who have read my previous writings...
By the way my Ferrari is green, not red! ;)

"People who have goals succeed because they know where they're going.
It´s that simple" -Earl Nightingale

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Investing, a science of money making money.

Rich dad Poor dad, a book by Robert Kiyosaki:

I just love the definition of the investing by Mr. Kiyosaki. ( The title above)
He has a way to explain things interesting and simple way, for everyone to understand them right away. I have also read some criticism against the book, but I liked it, and quite a lot!

There is no secret formula and I think some of the critics didn't seem to realise the purpose of the book. It is how you understand the mechanics of the investing, adopt the mentality and way of thinking to become a successful on your way to financial independence. I would recommend the book, if you are not familar to investing and even if you are.
Here' s some of the lines from the book, and there are many more:

"Winners are not afraid to lose, losers are."
"Build assets, not liability."
"Learn to manage risks, rather than avoiding it."
"Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die."
"If money is smarter than you, you would work for it your whole life."

To find out more and learn, I suggest that you read the book or listen the audio one.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Ferrari and two new investing platforms

I made a new purchases, bought few Ferrari stocks (Ferrari NV NYSE: RACE) and few higher risk monthly dividend paying REITs on Degiro, but unfortunately with the car I still have to wait, but it is fun to think that owning a little piece of this legendary company will help me getting their creation eventually as well.

I also continued to invest as I always do; as much as I can and as soon as I can. You might find interesting to look deeper how my money is in the investments and the growth, but it is a decision now not to publish monthly figures.

Reason is very simple; below 100k the compound interest effects are not very interesting, so wait for it. I´ll promise to give more detailed information when there's something interesting to look and follow.

I resumed with my monthly invests in small amounts to Seligson&Co funds and the P2P platforms that I already had; (Grupeer, Robocash, Fast Invest, PeerBerry, Monethera,  Crowdestor and Mintos.) ,but I also started with two new P2P investing platforms; Estonian IUVO and Latvian Viventor to increase the spreading.

Ferrari 458 Italia

Friday, September 27, 2019

50k, just getting started

The first 50k took me around three years to get, which I think was really good achievement since my incomes was this and that along the way.

I did some studies, some work, but one thing that didn't change was my passion to save and invest.

I am not expecting to double my money in coming three years.
Situation with the stock markets are turbulent and I had made many changes to survive in the current situation. I constantly keep on working towards my first goal, which is the 100k.
I could also think that I have passed half way there; which is true, but it ´s only half of the first goal to a way bigger achievement.

So this just getting started. So how it feels to have that 50k invested, to tell the truth to someone who doesn't know; -nothing special. It doesn't change everyday living in any way.
Everything is in investments so all I see is numbers and digits if I want to look at it.

I still have months that I am thinking that I don't have any money, I still purchase everything I can for reduced price or cheaper as second hand.
I don't know exactly how much I have today or tomorrow, something between 50k to 60k. Depending if stocks go up or down, more than that I am interested how it will be in longer run.

So was it worth all the trouble? Absolutely! It gives a bit of a peace of mind knowing that I have something saved and it´s a start for the bigger moneys. It has also been very educating to learn about how money works and
everything around it.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Spending and saving

For some reason it seems to be more acceptable to talk about spending the money than saving it, even if you spend before you really have it.
Yes, I mean using credit, which isn’t usually very wise thing to do.
I say usually cause there are exceptions,
like if you use the credit to make you even more money.

Of course it is nice to talk about things we have bought, but I think it would be even more nicer to think what we can get later, if we just continue to invest and grow our capital. Spend now and lose an annual rate for that money. Buy an Skoda now or buy an Lamborghini later...

I also do have some materialistic things that I want to have, expensive things at least for most of us and don't feel any shame of wanting them; Ferrari 458 and an Rolex, a house from far away sunny country for a start.
Things which I really don't need, but want them anyway.
And when having enough money to afford these things, I can make an decision of the purchase if I like to.
Freedom of choices that money brings.

So why saving and investing seems so hard for some of us to talk about?
Money, dividends and investing are not bad things. And anyone saying something else in their sneakers made by a big listed company should think about their sayings.

In a nut shell: Investments are mandatory for the listed companies and as an investor, I would like to have something back. And when talking about the money, isn´t that what are used to pay educations, child care or groceries etc?

I don’t feel any shame for being me,
I didn’t when I was poor and I certainly will not when I will be rich!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Double your money

The rule of 72 This simple formula gives you an rough estimate how long does it take to double your money.
There is more precise formula that can be easily found on internet, but this works pretty accurately up to +20% annual rate.

So if you think that you get +8% annual rate of return, you get 72 divided by 8%, which gives you 9 years as an answer. So you will be doubling whatever you had invested in 9 years, if you can get annual rate of +8% for your investment.
I found these estimate calculations motivating and helpful
and I hope you feel the same.

If you need to go deeper to where this formula comes from or want more precise formula, just google it and and you find plenty of articles from it.
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Saturday, September 21, 2019

Time, the most valuable thing

Time, the most precious thing there is. We measure childhood, happiness, time spend with our loved ones or whatever the phase in our lives by time.
We give up our time for the money for the employers or sometimes get someone elses. There's times in the past and time in the future;
-how much we still have? No one knows.

Time can turn pennies to millions or can make getting rich harder and harder as time passes by. So how we are going to use our time that we have left is an important question as well as how we used our time before, cause that's what define our present situation.
We cannot go back and change things, do things again differently.
But we can choose the way from now on. Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pay yourself first!

You get your salary or get your other incomes, what you do? Pay the rent, bills, what ever you have to and then have the money on your bank account or buy something. Then in the end of the month or so wonder if you have any left, that maybe I should invest some. Sounds familiar?

You should pay to yourself right after you have payed all of the invoices, by investing as an early stage as you can. You get maximum benefit of the investments and if you make it a habit, you will find money easier for the invests.

Remember, keeping extra money on the bank account doesn't make any good for you, so put that money work for you. I always invest when ever I can and as much as I can, keeping as little as possible on my current account, just enough for the absolute essentials. I have found that it is the only way working for me. It has become natural after all these years and I enjoy watching my invests going up slowly but steady.

Every cent saved takes me closer to my self set goal of financial independence. Just the other day, I was thinking it takes so long and don't have almost anything yet saved, but it is how you think of it. It´s true that I don't have that much yet on invests, but when you think that I already have amount of one year salary of an average working person placed to work and gain more money for me day by day, then it starts to sound that there is some progress after all.
I still remember when I had none!

Pay yourself first. That's an mantra that you should always remember. Work hard, never give up, resume, and one day your dreams do come true.
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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Never judge the book by it´s cover

You see a guy not shaved, picking up the empty beer cans from the streets and wearing a bit strange clothes and you almost instantly without further thinking judge him as a poor fellow trying to get his money together in that way.

You in the other hand see another guy wearing suit with all the accessories and jumping to behind of some german wheels and driving away and you think that this guy has made some money and succeeded in his life.

What if I say that it can be the opposite, or it can be even the same guy in a different day. I could be that guy described there, sometimes I couldn´t care less how I look and sometimes I like to wear some nice suits and turn heads while walking in streets or if I just have some occasion that requires to wear suit, then I of course wear for it.

We judge very easily people that we see by their appearance, clothes cars or even by their watch. It´s easy to buy Rolex with loan, same goes with cars, clothes and everything you could think of. So no Gucci or Louis Vuitton outfit make you a rich and wealthy person, except in the eyes of the fool.

In the same time it is also a good thing, I've been using this trick many times when I have needed an advance in some situations or sometimes just for the fun. I also happen to like some luxurious brands and their products.
So next time you see this guy picking up pennies in the streets, remember he can be an wealthy guy and is just collecting money he sees laying around. Never judge the book by it´s cover. You never know... Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Friday, September 13, 2019

Billionaire Living

I was listening to one radio station on my way from work one day and there was an interview going on with one of the most famous investors and a self made millionaires in Finland. While there was nothing new for me, I've been studying that subject to be sure that I will be on that group of ppl in some day... it was still entertaining to listen the questions that the radio listeners had came up with. Always funny to listen how strange beliefs people do have about billionaires and their lives, mostly based on images of super rich, seen on some Hollywood productions. I've been in a places like Marbella, Spain for many times just to see the rich people, how they use their money and act and all the show around it. Without their fancy cars or yachts, most of the billionaires could walk right in front of you in the streets and you wouldn't notice at all. And that's exactly what's happening all the time. The way you see wealthy people showing off their money in Marbella is not what all of them do, that's a choice made by some and it is the place to do such a thing. As many of wealthy ppl are unnoticed and don't want to show their wealth. Not everyone with money like exotic cars, or wear clothes with famous brands or show that they are rich in any ways. If you look at Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, few very rich ppl that most of us have heard of you often wonder why they choose to eat cheap or don't spend more to this and that. And the answer is, because they can choose. They choose what they like and don't want to spend any more than needed for the things that they don't value that much. Price/value, that is a good to consider before any bigger purchase, or what it brings to your life, can I get it a bit cheaper or can it even make me more money? So why want to be a millionaire if you don´t use the money? You don't have to, when most of your money is invested well, it brings you even more and more money all the time and you can choose if you want to spend or not. Alternatives to choose from, that's what money brings. You don't necessarily need to, or you can choose to. It´s up to you when you have enough money. First class or go undercover, what ever you like. And that's a big difference! I haven't got a very good starting point in life to become a wealthy, but that doesn't mean that I would give up on that. I am on a slow, but a certain way there and trying the best I can. It means that I have to live with little money and think every purchase that I make. I buy food from sale, most clothes second hand, try to invest what ever I can and think of new ways to make an extra nickel all the time. I study to get an several jobs in the future, it is an investment as well!
Work and save, invest, repeat...

"If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor it’s your mistake." Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Should I worry about losing it all?

I have told in earlier posting what sites and platforms I currently use for my investings, but not where I actually invest through these services.
Where my money is making me more money?

So I decided to list all the companies or business models I am investing right now and make this probably the most boring writing this far.
Following list is very long, cause I opened the funds also to show you as much as I could, because I know how widely spread the money really is comes as surprise for some of you.
So should I worry about losing it all? that's a common question with the ones who doesn't invest. And that's why they might never start at all. With all the political tensions around the globe and fear of economic recession or even crash. I personally still think my money is in better safe in the investments that I've made, than in a bank account. After all, I own a piece of several banks also, plus the money that you keep on the bank account don't grow these days.

So here is ALL of my current investments:
Microloans to Spain, Russia, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
Business loans and deveplopment projects, usually real estate; including hotels, homes to places like Norway, Denmark, Russia, Estonia, Belarus.
Short time customer loans to Poland, Spain and Denmark.
Pellet fuel reselling, adhesive manufacturing, guest complex construction and VIP luxury transportation company.
Car leasings and short time loans in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine.
Holiday resort in Cambodia, mobile gaming, Warehouse constructions, Petrol company, Gold...

Plus I have stock shares or fund shares from all of these following companies:
(Some of the companies might be on the list for more than once by mistake, if they are included in more than one of the funds that I own.)

Apple Inc, Procter&Gamble Co, McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Alphabet Inc, Nestle,
Ebay Inc, Mondelez Internetional Inc, YUM! Brands Inc, Danone, Hennes&Mauritz Ab, Pepsico Inc,
American Express Co, Walt Disney Co, L'Oreal, Colgate-Palmolive Co, Unilever, Burberry Group UK, Nike Inc, Kellogg Co, Kering,
Tiffany & Co, Prada S.P.A., Harley-Davidson Inc, Bayriche Motoren Werke Ag, Afarak Group Plc, Fortum Co, Innovative Industrial Properties Inc, Lehto Group Oyj, Nordea Bank Abp, Sampo Oyj, Nokia Oyj,
UPM-Kymmene Oyj, Fortum Oyj, Elisa Oyj, Stora Enso Oyj, Wartsila Corp, Epr Properties, Gladstone Commercial Co Gladstone Land Co, Johnson & Johnson, Kone Oyj, Ltc Properties, Main Street Capital Co, Realty Income Co,
Stag Industrial,
Nestle, Novartis AG, Roche Holding AG, SAP Se, Total SA, Astrazeneca PLC, Glaxosmithkline PLC, DIAGEO PLC Unilever NV, Allianz Se, Siemens AG, British American Tobacco PLC, Iberdrola SA, Banco Santander, Rio Tinto PLC, Deutsche Telekom, Zurich Insurance Group, Adidas, Relx PLC, Axa SA, Schneider Electric, Koninklijke Philips, UBS Group, Essilorluxottica, ING Groep NV, Intesa Sanpaolo, Muenchener Rueckver AG, Industria De Diseño Textil...

Amadeus It Group, Deutsche Post, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argenta, Telefonica, Alcon Inc, Swiss Re AG, Experian PLC, Credit Suisse Group, Deutsche Boerse AG, Engie, Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize NV, Crh PLC, London Stock Exchange Group, Lafargeholcim LTD, Koninklijke DSM NV, Infineon Technologies, Smith & Nephew PLC, Bae Systems PLC, Akzo Nobel, Societe Generale, Compagnie De Saint-Gobain, Essity Aktiebolag, Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC, Aviva PLC, Sandvik AB, Fresenius Medical Care AG, Deutsche Bank AG, Skandinaviska Enskilda, Veolia Environnement, Ferrovial, Informa PLC, Koninklijke KPN NV, 3I Group PLC, Coca-Cola European Partners, Swisscom AG, Peugeot SA,
Sonova Holding AG, Thales SA Neste OYJ, Sgs SA, STmicroelectronics NV, Intercontinental Hotels Group, Edenred, Royal Bank Of Scotland Group, Sodexo SA, CNH Industrial NV, Rentokil Initial PLC, NN Group NV, Carrefour SA, Gas Natural SDG SA, Novozymes, EDP-Energias De Portugal SA, Terna SPA, Gecina SA, Red Electrica Corporacion SA, Caixabank SA, Pearson PLC, Standard Life Aberdeen PLC, Orkla ASA, ABN Amro Group, ATOS SE, Land Securities Group PLC, Covivio...

Alstom, Valeo SA, Galp Energia SGPS SA, Suez, Coca-Cola HBC AG, Telecom Italia SPA, Klepierre, British Land Co PLC, Ingenico Group, ADP, Randstad NV, Electrolux AB, Taylor Wimpey PLC, Castellum AB, Lanxess AG, Clariant AG, Enagas SA, Kingfisher PLC, Leonardo SPA, Marks & Spencer Group PLC,
GVC Holdings PLC, Norsk Hydro ASA, ISS A/S, Kesko OYJ, EVvonik Industries AG, Banklinter SA, Nokian Renkaat OYJ, Investec PLC, Rexel SA, Philips Lightning NV, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Telenet Group Holding NV, Saipem SPA, Air France-KLM, Valmet OYJ, Hochtief AG, Royal Mail PLC, Sopra Steria Group, Metro AG, Pirelli & C SPA, Billerudkorsnäs AB, Provident Financial PLC, Television Francaise (T.F.1), Werelhave NV, Postnl NV, Intu Properties PLC, Microsoft Corp, Johnson & Johnson, Visa INC, Procter & Gamble CO, At&t NC, Mastercard INC, Bank Of America Corp, Walt Disney Co...

Chevron Corp, Unitedhealth Group INC, Intel Corp, Cisco Systems INC, Comcast Corp, Abbott Laboratories, Citigroup INC, Medtronics PLC, Adobe INC, Sslesforce.Com INC, Accenture PLC, Amgen INC, Intl Business Machines Corp, Starbucks Corp, Texas Instruments INC, Royal Bank Of Canada, Nike INC, Nvidia Corp, Linde PLC, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Abbvie INC, Lockheed Martin Corp, 3M CO, United Parcel Service, Mondelez International INC, Bristol-Myers Squibb CO, CVS Health Corp, Goldman Sachs Group INC, Becton Dickinson And CO, Caterpillar INC, Enbridge INC, Anthem INC, Duke Energy Corp, Canadian Natl Railway Co, Bank Of Nova Scotia, S&P Global INC, Colgate-Palmolive Co, Northrop Grumman Corp, Conocophillips, Cigna Corp, Prologis INC, Ecolab INC, CSX Corp, Dupont De Nemours INC, Air Products & Chemicals INC, Allergan PLC, General Motors Co, Waste Management INC, TC Energy Corp, Suncor Energy INC, Edwards Lifesciences Corp, Exelon Corp,
Schlumberger LTD, Bank Of Montreal, Biogen INC, MetLife INC, Baxter International INC, Sempra Energy, Travelers Cos INC, Bank Of New York Mellon Corp...

Welltower INC, Delta Air Lines INC, Allstate Corp, Johnson Controls Internations, CAN Imperial Bk Of Commerce, Barrick Gold Corp, Newmont Goldcorp Corp, Manulife Financial Corp, General Mills INC, DOW INC, TE Connectivity LTD, Public Service Enterprise GP, Motorola Solutions INC, Ingersoll-Rand PLC, HP INC, Hilton Worldwide Holdings IN, Ventas INC, Ball Corp, Sun Life Financial INC, Corteva INC, Cummins INC, Agilent Technologies INC, Hershey CO, Hartford Financial SVCS GRP, Entergy Corp, Stanley Black & Decker INC, Las Vegas Sands CORP, Kroger Co, Republic Services INC, CGI INC, State Street Corp, Weyerhaeuser Co, Northern Trust Corp, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Rockwell Automation INC, HCP INC, Hess Corp, CBRE Group INC, Kellogg CO, Best Buy Co INC, Akamai Technologies INC, Symantec Corp, Liberty Global PLC, Quest Diagnostics INC, WW Grainger INC, NASDAQ INC, Host Hotels & Resorts INC, Lincoln National Corp, Nisource INC, Technipfmc PLC, AES Corp, Molson Coors Brewing Co...

Whirlpool Corp, DXC Technology Co, Cenovus Energy INC, Campbell Soup CO, Teck Resources LTD, Gildan Activewear INC, Voya Financial INC, Kohls Corp, Kimco Realty Corp, On Semiconductor Corp, Nielsen Holdings PLC, Telus Corp, Alaska Air Group INC, Jones Lang Lasalle INC, Owens Corning, Canadian Tire Corp, Manpowergroup INC, Teradata Corp, GAP INC, Perspecta INC, Alcoa Corp, Fluor Corp, Commonwealth Bank Of Australia, Wsetpac Banking Corp, Aust And NZ Banking Group, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co LTD, National Australia Bank LTD, Honda Motor Co LTD, Daiichi Sankyo Co LTD, SK Hynix INC, Tokio Marine Holdings INC, Mizuho Financial Group INC, Fast Retailing Co LTD, Hong Kong Exchanges & Clear, Kao Corp, Hitachi LTD, DBS Group Holdings LTD, Nippon Telegraph & Telephone, Wesfarmers LTD, Tokyo Electron LTD, Itochu Corp, Seven & I Holdings Co LTD, NTT Docomo INC, Transurban Group, Link Reit, Japan Tobacco INC, Bridgestone Corp, Rio Tinto LTD, Daiwa House Industry Co LTD, Komatsu LTD, Asahi Group Holdings LTD, Woodside Petroleum LTD, CLP Holdings LTD, Kubota Corp, Shinhan Financial Group LTD, Fujitsu LTD, MS&AD Insurance Group Holding, Aeon Co LTD, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co LTD, Posco, Hyundai Mobis Co LTD, LG Chem LTD, Nomura Holdings INC, KB Financial Group INC, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings...

Insurance Australia Group, Brambles LTD, Toray Industries INC, Sekisui House LTD, Samsung SDI CO LTD, Coles Group LTD, Omron Corp, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings, Ajinomoto Co INC, Sysmex Corp, Kansai Eelectric Power Co INC, Dexus, MTR Corp, Smimoto Eelectric Industries, South32 LTD, Power Assets Holdings LTD, LG Household & Health Care, Mirvac Group, Dentsu INC, GPT Group, SK innovation Co LTD, NTT Data Corp, Hana Financial Group, Nomura Research Institute LTD, SK Telecom, Stockland, Osaka Gas Co LTD, Daiwa Securities Group INC, Ricoh Co LTD, Samsung C&T Group, Lendlease Group, Tabcorp Holdings LTD, Capitaland LTD, Nissan Chemical Corp, Sydney Airport, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Ltd, Samsung Fire & Marine Ins, Lion Corp, Auckland Intl Aairport LTD, SK Holdings Co LTD, Nippon Prologis Reit INC, Toto LTD, Vicinity Centres, Nissin Foods Holdings Co LTD, Korea Electric Power Co, LG Electronics INC, Nikon Corp, Mazda Motor Corp, Swire Pacific LTD, Lixil Group Corp, Mitsui Chsemicals INC, Yokogawa Electric Corp, Fuji Electric Co LTD, Hang Lung Properties LTD, City Developments LTD, Marui Group Co LTD, NH Foods LTD, Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co, NSK LTD, Meridian Energy LTD, Ana Holdings INC, Incitec Pivot LTD, Konica Minolta INC...

Woongjin Coway CO LTD, NGK Insulators LTD, Nabtesco Corp, Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Hol, Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp, Teijin LTD, Swire Properties LTD, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Lotte Chemical Corp, Sojitz Corp, Casio Computer Co LTD, S-Oil Corp, Taiheiyo Cement Corp, NGK Spark Plug Co LTD, Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co, Hyundai Glovis Co LTD, Mitsui Osk Lines LTD, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, Kangwon Land INC, Hyundai Steel Co, LG Display Co LTD, Nippon Yusen KK, Hyundai Engineering & Const, Asics Corp, Mirae Asset Daewoo Co LTD, Dic Corp, Star Entertainment GRP LTD, Sumitomo Forestry Co LTD, Samsung Engineering Co LTD, Hankook Tire & Technology Co LTD, Samsung Securities Co LTD, GS Engineering & Construct, CJ Cheiljedang Corp, BNK Financial Group INC, Sembcorp Industries LTD, Shangri-La Asia LTD, Doosan Corp, DGB Financial Group INC, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha LTD, Korea Gas Corporation, Merck & Co. INC, Roche Holding AG, Novartis AG, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer INC, Celgene Corp, Astrazeneca PLC, CSL LTD, Novo Nordisk A/S, Glaxosmithkline PLC, Amgen INC, Allergan PLC, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co LTD, Eli Lilly & Co, Astellas Pharma INC, Merck KGAA, Sanofi, Gilead Sciences INC, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co, Otsuka Holdings Co LTD, Abbvie INC, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals INC, Biogen INC, Mylan NV, Tena Pharmaceutical, Neste OYJ, Stora Enso OYJ, Elisa OYJ, Kesko OYJ, Orion OYJ, Metso OYJ, Huhtamäki OYJ, Nokian Renkaat OYJ, Valmet OYJ, Konecranes OYJ, Tieto OYJ, Kemira OYJ, DNA OY, Cargotec OYJ, Ahlström-Munksjö OYJ, Metsä Board OYJ, Outokumpu OYJ, Outotec OYJ, VaisalaA OYJ, Fiskars OYJ, Citycon OYJ, Caverion OYJ, Tikkurila OYJ, Lassila & Tikanoja OYJ, Finnair OYJ, Cramo OYJ, Basware OYJ, Alma Media OYJ, Marimekko OYJ, Stockmann OYJ, Biohit OYJ,

I could have just named the funds and add stocks on top of that, that way you could have easily searched what are those funds really made of, but this is the way to really understand how much there can be included in few funds.
You probably recognise some of the companies and services from the list and if you don't use any of them, I would be surprised! And I don't think others will stop to use of them any time soon either.

Driving to McD with my little Beemer and ordering a meal with Coke and paying by a card and I have already supported a several companies that I own.
That's a beauty of spreading and investing. You can be part of the development of the world around you and use the services that you own a small fraction.

Put your money in to work if you haven't already. Remember, you cannot lose more than you invest on stocks, funds or P2P lending, but you can make some while doing it.

And by saying that, what do I know. I am not an expert and cannot really give any suggestions what so ever. Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Little boost, compound interest and a piggy bank.

How you can boost your investments or make it maybe a bit easier for yourself.
-I don't have any left over for investments. I heard that a lot, usually with promise,
I´ll start later.
You don't have to lie to me! You haven't started yet and now I hear all the excuses why. You either start or don't, that's it.

When you can start as little as one euro, I don't see any excuses. If you find it hard to save money to start, you're not alone. You need money to invest, that is a fact. But you don't need lot of money, more important is to just start. Sooner the better. Time is your best friend in investing, or if you don't invest your worst enemy. If you have never heard of compound interest , you should google it, or just click the Investopedia link here where they explain it in a simple way in a short vid.

I use several little tricks to make sure that I am able to do investments every now and then. I have wrote a few time about the collecting bottles and beverage cans, when ever I see one. In Finland you get money when you take them back to the grocery store, usually I collect them from the streets and take them once, twice a month then save the money to the piggy bank.

And you can also feel good about yourself, cause you have also made a good thing for the environment. Plastic bottles and aluminium cans don't belong to the streets or to the nature. Small scale recycling as its best and you get paid by doing it.

If I use cash, I empty my pockets to the piggy bank also in the end of the day. And when my piggy bank is full I just invest all that and maybe put some extra on on top of that. And it feels so natural and good, it´s like you haven't done a thing and again you get a little more saved. I hardly use any cash these days, so if I get even a bit bigger amount of cash for some reason, I usually just put it to the same place with the rest of the money.

It is also wise to invest as soon as you get salary and think that the money you have put aside for the invests are no longer in use. I heard that some ppl even use several bank accounts, where they transfer money straight away to keep it saved for the investments. Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sites and platforms that I use for the investments.

Please note that this review may contain affiliate links. That means that I may earn a commission if you decide to invest after clicking through the link, without additional costs to you, of course. Pls, understand that I have experienced all of these companies and all recommends are because I found them helpful/useful, not because of commission I might make if you decide to make an invest through my links.

Nordnet, was one of the first sites that I used to invest to stock markets and to some funds as well.
I think the platform is easy to understand and they have all sorts services and web seminars.
Now I don't use it as much I've used to because I found that dutch platform called Degiro works better for me, It´s cheaper and don't really use the Nordnet specialties like Shareville, where you can follow, share or discuss online anything investing related or go to seminars or follow web based ones. Either have it´s good and not so good features. I was happy user for Nordnet, and I still use it, but Degiro is my  nr 1 choice to buy or sell stocks right now.

I also have an account in Seligson&Co, which is my passive investment platform. Working like buy and forget principle. Small buys every now and then and I let the time pass and do the work. I've been satisfied customer for years there. That's the place that I usually invest my return bottle and can money. I´ll write about that later.

I have also invested in several P2P lending sites; Grupeer, Robocash, Fast Invest, PeerBerry, Monethera, Kuetzal, Crowdestor and Mintos. The list is long and there's an reason for that. Risk spreading. There is risks in P2P lending and to minimise it, I use many different sites and invest small amounts in many loans. The working principle in P2P lending sites are similar, but there is differences between, sometimes the site is concentrating to projects, usually construction works, but it can also offer micro loans, car leasing, business loans etc. in many countries, usually eastern Europe or Asia. While some of them need your input by take action and control your money, make reinvests and choosing loans and so on, there is also sites like Robocash which is totally automated. I suggest you consider the risks, the time you want to invest and please, do your homework with this kind of investments and tools before you rush to place your money there. They can be a great tool if used correctly. Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Life goals, bucket list, motivation and happiness

I wrote earlier that I believe that money doesn't make anyone happy, and I also believe that you need some. So why I spend so much time thinking and reading, studying everything investments related?

The simple answer would be, cause I want to. I really enjoy doing that. I call it a hobby and until I live by buying and selling stocks or dividends payed, it will be a hobby. A hobby that will most likely change the way I live in some point and It has changed the way I think already.

I do have dreams, and I´ll make some of them reality in some day. Some of them are meant to be just dreams, nothing more. We do need dreams to motivate and push ourselves forward time to time. Sometimes I close my eyes and dream about a sunny beach and a perfect wave, some small idyllic flat that would be my escape from the northern cold and dark winters we have here in Finland. And I know I´ll have that some day, even now I think I could get it, but not the way I want it.

Remember, I do believe that having a money to buy something doesn't mean that you can really afford it. So it is a dream to become true later. These dreams are important for me, they are something that keeps me going, trying, studying and investing. That's a basis of my motivation in life. Dreams.

Being happy and having a good time, enjoying life, that's the goal. I think I must rethink my actual bucket list for a while. Add some materialistic things as well as feelings and experiences to it. Now it´s limited to a Rolex, Ferrari and a summer place from abroad, oh and Iceland. I want to experience Iceland.  And any or even all of those things doesn't make me happy, I know that. Except the Iceland of course. :)

You get a new car and feel good about it for few weeks and then it´s just another car, you get used to it. That is the way our mind works. And it´s same with all the materialistic things.

So what I am trying to say here is that we do need to have dreams, the materialistic also, but we also need to understand what things are really important in life; like health, family and friends. Dreams, and bucket lists change and they should, as we change also and the world around us. I would like to hear from your dreams, bucket lists and what pushes you forward, if you're willing to share them..
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Friday, September 6, 2019

Getting started in investing.

The first step is usually hardest and in the same time easiest to make,;to start.
How, when and even why...these questions with all kind of threat images cross to mind, like: if I loose all of my money, I don't know what to do and when, I should have this and this much money to start, I´ll start later and so on. We are very good to making up excuses.

So what if I tell you, that you should have started already and there is no good excuse not to!
You can even start by investing as little as one euro. I've heard someone saying that don't have that one euro, which I don't believe here in Finland. If you have money for food, cigarettes and beer, you can easily take just one euro from that and I bet you don't have to sacrifice a thing in life. Or you can easily collect empty bottles or beverage cans from streets and they pay around 0,15€/each when you take it back to the grocery store. I collect one, whenever I can and I will not be so rich in my life, that I wouldn't! Easy money and ecological recycling in the same. Oh, and you cannot loose more than you invest... No excuses!

I was listening from aside once again one day an conversation about how much money would be needed from the lottery win to be able to be financial independent. (FIRE) <- now mentioned! I'm so trendy. :)

While this group of people were wondering if the right amount would be 1M to 5M€, I soon heard how they would need an fancy house and a Ferrari and this and this much to pay all their mortgage and so on... You might guessed already, there is no amount big enough if you start to use the capital that should be working and making more money to you while some time passes by. If you have money enough to buy a Porsche, that doesn't mean that you can afford one. That's two totally different things. We definitely need financial things to be teached better at schools.

And I do like nice things, luxury watches, nice clothes and fast exotic cars, good food. Who doesn't? I just don't have enough money to get everything I like right away and still I find my life interesting, even without all of that. For some reason people tend to have a must to spend their imaginary lottery win right away, they have to get bigger house, better car is changed even before the money has transferred to the account and whatever without waiting another second, even if they would just invested the money and waited for a year or two they could have the same things without touching the capital they have. These people will never get rich or wealthy as their biggest obstacle is in the mirror looking back at.

Everyone makes their own choices and hopefully you found a reasons why you should have a bit more money in the future and find investing a way to be able to do that. Or you can just wait the lottery win.

For me it´s security, control of my own future and certain freedom of choices. It´s used to be nicer wheels and a bigger stack of money, but hey that's also included in my definition.
Personally I don't think you can buy happiness and in the same time money is needed, after all that is the way to bring food to table, pay the bills, kids education etc. So don't think money is bad, money is actually good!
Lot of talk about the money and he's not giving any information about his situation you think...
I drive an old small Beemer, which is really good for me now. I have very little salary, since I work just a part time, while studies keeping me busy with two different degrees. I also enjoy my little free time on the sea whenever I can.
Stocks that I have plus p2p etc. all included are between 60-70k€ at the moment, so just getting started in this path and will be enjoying all the way. How about you? I might upload some graphs in some point, when things will get more excited, but now its time for cable wakeboarding! Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Thursday, September 5, 2019

How and why I started investing and idea behind this blog.

There´s many blogs about investing,  more or less concentrating just how to make more money or just a way to show own portfolio of the investments and progress.
I rather do it differently, I want to give something about myself and don´t want to restrict my writings strictly just to that. After all there is a lot more in life than just investments.
So expect to read about the investments, but also about the traveling, surfing, sports and thoughts and about the life and all the amazing things it has to offer.
So how I started investing in the first place? It actually took years and years to realise that I should, and not before I met my better half, this amazing and beautiful woman who teached me few important lessons about living... Thank you for that!
My childhood was pretty average living with my mom, who worked as underpaid working class hero in a tax office. We were short of money every now and then and I never learned how financial world works. That was something that I just learned years later.
So after schools, which wasn´t really my thing at a time. There was no one who cared and I always found out something more interesting to do. Found a work, worked my way up and changed a place until I finally found a place with a decent salary. Don´t get me wrong, it was nothing fancy, but I was happy to have that great job. After all, I couldn´t think any better at the time. In the same time I made more money than ever before and still didn´t have any. I didn´t know what I know now back then.
So here´s a little introduction about me and my motivation for this blog. I want to share my "secrets" and thoughts with you and same time learn while doing that.

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