Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pay yourself first!

You get your salary or get your other incomes, what you do? Pay the rent, bills, what ever you have to and then have the money on your bank account or buy something. Then in the end of the month or so wonder if you have any left, that maybe I should invest some. Sounds familiar?

You should pay to yourself right after you have payed all of the invoices, by investing as an early stage as you can. You get maximum benefit of the investments and if you make it a habit, you will find money easier for the invests.

Remember, keeping extra money on the bank account doesn't make any good for you, so put that money work for you. I always invest when ever I can and as much as I can, keeping as little as possible on my current account, just enough for the absolute essentials. I have found that it is the only way working for me. It has become natural after all these years and I enjoy watching my invests going up slowly but steady.

Every cent saved takes me closer to my self set goal of financial independence. Just the other day, I was thinking it takes so long and don't have almost anything yet saved, but it is how you think of it. It´s true that I don't have that much yet on invests, but when you think that I already have amount of one year salary of an average working person placed to work and gain more money for me day by day, then it starts to sound that there is some progress after all.
I still remember when I had none!

Pay yourself first. That's an mantra that you should always remember. Work hard, never give up, resume, and one day your dreams do come true.
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