Monday, September 23, 2019

Spending and saving

For some reason it seems to be more acceptable to talk about spending the money than saving it, even if you spend before you really have it.
Yes, I mean using credit, which isn’t usually very wise thing to do.
I say usually cause there are exceptions,
like if you use the credit to make you even more money.

Of course it is nice to talk about things we have bought, but I think it would be even more nicer to think what we can get later, if we just continue to invest and grow our capital. Spend now and lose an annual rate for that money. Buy an Skoda now or buy an Lamborghini later...

I also do have some materialistic things that I want to have, expensive things at least for most of us and don't feel any shame of wanting them; Ferrari 458 and an Rolex, a house from far away sunny country for a start.
Things which I really don't need, but want them anyway.
And when having enough money to afford these things, I can make an decision of the purchase if I like to.
Freedom of choices that money brings.

So why saving and investing seems so hard for some of us to talk about?
Money, dividends and investing are not bad things. And anyone saying something else in their sneakers made by a big listed company should think about their sayings.

In a nut shell: Investments are mandatory for the listed companies and as an investor, I would like to have something back. And when talking about the money, isn´t that what are used to pay educations, child care or groceries etc?

I don’t feel any shame for being me,
I didn’t when I was poor and I certainly will not when I will be rich!

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